Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Magazine Test Season

The Blade. Killing it with or without skis full time.
The phrase "flurry of activity" doesn't quite do justice to the last few weeks. Since SIA I've done time in California, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, more Utah, and most recently home here in Colorado. It's had it's ups and downs, but skis, snow, and fun reign supreme.

The terrain in Taos is unreal, and the snow has been good all season.  
New Mexico was a riot, we skied some great snow and poked some fun in good-nature...

Three Klint Employees in a row make... Racist smurfs?

In between all the driving I have to stop and tune skis in weird places. I've been in half a dozen random basements in the last couple months. This next one is the best.
Secret Rad Basement in SLC. Soo many skis.
Little Cottonwood Canyon is just amazing. The view from Alta is great even on a low snow year.

The it was off to Freeskier test. Aspen is a silly place, and when you pack a bunch of pros, edit staff, and ski reps in the same place things get a little out of hand. Here are some of the pictures I CAN show...
Bight sun and Brighter colors. Freeskier has fun.

A certain ski tester getting an extra workout after testing.
This dude 360'd off this railing. And kept the monkey on his back.
We're off to Targhee this week for a team trip! More to come soon.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Back in the Saddle

The Squaw Tram high over the Liberty Van

 The last couple weeks have been a little wild to say the least. After leaving Colorado last week the I've put on two thousand miles and made stops at 5 resorts.
Chicken and Waffles. Demo Tour Rules don't let you skip this meal.
 In California we traded storm clouds for sunshine, and busted out the grill at the demos. After four grueling days of retailers checking out 2013 product we became one of the more popular tents as starving retailers and other indy ski companies. You're welcome Rocky Mountain Underground!
Thumbs up Spotting!
Not much snow at Mammoth this year, but I'll take some Spring skiing early.
 After all the driving I'm here in Utah getting ready for some on hill demos, and a Public Demo at Alta on Friday and Saturday. We'll also be giving away skis three times this week! Three Times!

Tonight in park city at the No Name bar, Thursday in Ogden at Brewskis, and Friday night at the Canyon Inn in SLC. Drink some Coors and win some skis!

The Best way to settle anything. Snakes and Ladders.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Back in the 'rado.

Sunset shot from the Saddle of the Demo Van.
"You don't leave Jackson Hole during a storm." Ask anyone who has ever skied Jackson during a storm and they will tell you that phrase is surely somewhere in the New Testament. But, in sub-zero temps, with this winter's largest storm barreling straight towards the Tetons and 55 inches in the forecast, that's exactly what I had to do. Sure I thought about staying, but the price for getting paid to ski all over the country is having a schedule to keep, and skiers to make happy. That, and if I was having any more fun I'd just be greedy.
Lost Trail. More than meets the eye.
Before I got to Jackson Hole I did a demo stop at Lost Trail. Lost Trail? Huh? Where is that? Lost Trail is a smaller locals hill on the Montana/Idaho border. Filled with fixed grip chairs, flannels, and plenty of powder, Lost Trail kicks ass. The locals live for skiing, and for a tiny hill, Lost Trail holds some legit, scare-yourself-silly terrain. I even had some help from Missoula's Back Country Racks. Check them out at Little hills might lack the glam of big resorts, but the people who ski them everyday are just as dedicated as any "Big Resort INC" ski area. They all love Liberty as well.
Best way to get ready for a not-so-big day.
I left Lost Trail with some happy Liberty converts, as well as a well fed ski patrol thanks to Clif Bar. From there I went straight to Jackson Hole and did as all should do in a Mountain Town in Wyoming. Played cards and prayed for snow instead of luck. As posted earlier the snow is coming, but I'm already gone. Instead, I took out some shop locals on a special sneak preview of next years skis. In turn they showed me some Jackson Hole secrets. I never imagined going caving at a resort.
The Blue Room. Nuff said.
 Now I'm looking forward to a Liberty Underground at Eldora this Friday. Meet at 1pm at the top of the Corona Chairlift. Be ready for impromptu contests that will favor no one. Expect swag from Liberty, Trew, Poc, Discrete, Kicker Audio, Clif Bar, and Hestra. Don't forget the demo on Saturday at Monarch this weekend either!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bozeman or Bust... A re-cap.

Choppers, Bikes, and Ski Tunes. One Hell of a Garage.
My time in the Northwest is dwindling, and in the last few weeks I've had more than my fair share of fun. From my first sunrise outside of a truck stop in Oregon to this last weekend in Bozeman there hasn't been a dull moment. I've skied deep snow, skidded on ice, been buried in ClifBar wrappers, tuned skis in frigid garages filled with motorcycles, and slept on more couches than I can count.

The view from the top of Lone Peak doesn't suck...
Bozeman was a blast. The pilot Liberty Underground project was interesting. The snow was soo icy it was possible to see your own reflection in it. Wild. We made the best of it and had fun.

Turns out the van doesn't charge through soft snow. Thanks Cat!
I'll be headed to Lost Trail, this weekend before heading back to Colorado to do a bigger and better Liberty Underground event at Eldora Friday January 20th. Meet me at noon in the parking lot. There will be more prizes from Kicker, POC, TREW, Clif Bar, Hestra, and Discrete. more contests, and a cookout afterwards. On Liberty. Come join the fun!